Somewhere Only We Know - Lily Allen


听了好多关于圣诞的歌,但还是想和大家一起分享这首"somewhere only we know".这是Lily Allen为配合John Lewis百货圣诞广告而翻唱的Keane樂隊的名曲,建议大家去看两分钟的JohnLewisChristmas广告小剧场(,可爱的画面(TheBear&TheHare),配合着Lily暖到心窝里的甜美聲調,会给你帶來截然不同的溫暖,更有圣诞来临的感觉,而隐约多了份柔情与感伤,却抵挡不住我给一万个赞 ,属于我的2013年最冬日的love song!(@阿立立 @我是陈星星·LoFoTo )

---------------Give someone a Christmas, They’ll never Forget--------------

                              "My dearest friends:Merry Chriatmas!"

I walked across an empty land
I knew the pathway like the back of my hand
I felt the earth beneath my feet
Sat by the river and it made me complete

Oh simple thing, where have you gone?
I’m getting tired and I need someone to rely on


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